Born and raised in a rural place in Portugal, Nature has always been a part of my life.
In my childhood much of the time was spent in the field, between games and running around, the sound of the birds, the trees in the wind, were being well rooted in my memory and in my heart.
Over the years , the interest in nature has been developing in front of the tv watching BBC and National Geographic documentaries with my father.
The taste for art was also always present in my life, as a self-taught started making my first oil and pastel sketches, always with natural motifs (mostly landscapes) .
The passage for photography took place around 2008. The painting ( with several more technical issues ) had no "immediate " feature that photography has always pleased me and that was when I began to try to portray what I tried to paint , but now on a little different canvas.
(+351) 916 603 598
vendas novas,